Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Saba prepares itself for island council election

The political arena in Saba may look very different after Thursday’s Island Coun­cil election. For years the blue Saba Labour Party (SLP) and the orange-coloured Wind­ward Island People’s Move­ment (WIPM) have battled it out between each other. Now a third party has joined the race, the green United People Movement …

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Attention: No campaign material inside voting stations

Voters may not wear or display promotional material inside the two voting stations on Saba during Election Day this Wednesday, March 20. Wearing for example a t-shirt or a cap stating the political party and/or candidate will not be allowed when a person enters the voting station to cast his …

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New CLA healthcare workers Saba and St. Eustatius final

On Friday the 15th of March 2019 the new Collective Labour Agreement was signed by representatives from the Saba United People Labour Union and Association (SUPLUA), Benevolent Foundation Saba (BFS), Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF), and St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation (SEHCF). The new CLA was negotiated for in 2018 …

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New start for Saba Red Cross

The Saba Red Cross is making a new start. A new manager has been appointed, a meeting was held with the volunteers, two regional Red Cross officials visited Saba over the weekend and a number of goals for this year have been set. Maarten Plante-van der Horn was appointed manager …

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Strict control to prevent overstaying on islands

The Dutch government plans to adapt the law to ensure strict con­trol that Dutch European persons don’t overstay in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, the three Dutch public entities. Dutch State Secretary of Justice and Security Mark Harbers stated this in re­sponse to written questions submitted by Member of the …

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Saba welcomes new Big B ferry service

The new ferry service between St. Maarten and Saba with Big B, a 230 passengers 130 feet vessel owned by Bobby Velasquez, was inaugurated on Thursday. The new service of Blue Peter Charters will run five days a week, providing not only service to residents of Saba and St. Maarten, …

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Seventh-Day Adventists in Saba give 33 bicycles

Members of the Mount Scenery Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church served some 33 Saban youngsters with bicy­cles on Sunday. This project was made possible through one of the many Ministry of Social Affairs and Employ­ment SZW in The Hague initiatives called “Oppor­tunities for all Children” (“Kansen voor alle Kin­deren”). The Mount …

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Özütok asks why ZVK didn’t involve Saba government

Mem­ber of the Second Cham­ber of the Dutch Parlia­ment Nevin Özütok of the green left party GroenLinks wants to know why the Caribbe­an Netherlands Health Insurance Office ZVK neglected to inform the Saba government about two important changes in policy regarding the transportation of pa­tients. Irked by this news, communicated …

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Road works in progress in Saba

Today, Tuesday, March 12, HES Construction will commence the construction of a stone wall at the hotel-construction site at Lambert Hassell Road. To ensure the safety of motorists, Lambert Hassell Road leading to Windwardside from The Bottom and St. John’s will become a one-way street until further notice. All motorists …

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Generator stolen from Fire Brigade building

Police report of Friday, March 8th until Monday, March 11th 2019 On Friday, March 8th, a burglary was reported in the fire brigade building in The Bottom on Saba. Unknown people forced a side door to enter and took a black/orange generator of the brand Daewoo. The burglary had taken …

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